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Cloud Solutions Services Agreement


THIS AGREEMENT ( Agreement ) is hereby entered into by and between The Data Park LLC, a limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of the Sultanate of Oman, having Commercial Registration No. 1130280 and its offices at KOM 4, 7th floor Zone 2, Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Sultanate of Oman ( TDP ) and [●] who has registered itself online as a customer on The Data Park Cloud Service Portal on ( Customer ) (together the “Parties” and each a “Party”).

The terms and conditions herein are hereby accepted and agreed by the Customer and TDP which shall come into effect from the date of online registration by the Customer (Effective Date).

1.1)  Agreement has the meaning given to it in the description of the Parties above.

1.2)  Business Day is any day other than Friday, Saturday, or a public holiday on which commercial banks are generally open for business in Oman.

1.3)  Content means information made available, displayed, transmitted or stored.

1.4)  Customer has the meaning given to it in the description of the Parties above.

1.5)  Emergency Maintenance means the repair or replacement by TDP of facility components or equipment requiring immediate attention because the functioning of a critical system is impaired or because health, safety or security of human life is endangered and Unavailability of services during such emergency maintenance shall be excluded from the downtime calculations.

1.6)  Fault means a fault, failure or malfunction in the Operational Condition.

1.7)  Hardware means server, switches and appliances deployed by TDP in providing the Services.

1.8)  MRC has the meaning given to it in Clause 4.2 of this Agreement.

1.9)  TDP has the meaning given to it in the description of the Parties above.

1.10)  Operational Condition means that the Services, including all the Hardware and Software, is functioning properly in accordance with the specifications and parameters set forth in this Agreement.

1.11)  Order has the meaning given to it in Clause 2.2 of this Agreement.

1.12)  Schedules means the schedules attached hereto, containing the specific terms and conditions that apply to each Service element.

1.13)  Services  has the meaning given to it in Clause 2.1 and  Service  shall be construed accordingly.

1.14)  Service Outage  means the failure of the Services in accordance with Customer  ™s configuration selection and the parameters defined in the respective Schedules, but shall not include service suspension (i) for reasons outside of TDP  ™s reasonable control or (ii) during times of Scheduled Maintenance. If a dispute arises about whether or not a Service Outage occurred, TDP shall make a determination in good faith based on its system logs, monitoring reports and configuration records.

1.15)  Scheduled Maintenance  means a temporary interruption or outage in the availability of the Services for undertaking up gradation or maintenance or to prevent or remedy a defect which may affect Customer  ™s use or access to the Services or for any other mutually agreed upon reason or purpose. Unavailability of Services during Scheduled Maintenance will be excluded from the downtime calculations. Scheduled Maintenance will be normally be carried out between [24:00 hrs – 02:00 hrs]  Muscat, Oman  time. TDP shall give Customer at least two (2) days’ notice of a Scheduled Maintenance.

1.16)  Services Charges  has the meaning given to it in Clause 4.1.

1.17)  “Severity Level 1” means the severity level of a Fault (System Unusable) which critically affects the use of the Services to the extent that the servers are inaccessible. Services shall be deemed to be unavailable if a Fault of Severity Level 1 is reported or identified, whichever is earlier.

1.18)  Severity Level 2  means a Service is degraded where Users can access the Services but experience significant difficulties or delays. Services shall be deemed unavailable if a Fault of Severity Level 2 is reported or identified, whichever is earlier.

1.19)  Severity Level 3  means the severity level of a Fault which does not cause any major impact on the use of the Services, but only minor delays. A Fault of Severity Level 3 shall not be deemed to have rendered the Services unavailable.

1.20)  Software  means the software used by TDP for performing the Services and shall also include any updates, upgrades, bug-fixes or new versions of the Software delivered by TDP.

1.21)  Users  means the person(s) authorized by the Customer to use the Services.

2.22)  This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions and agreed Service levels in accordance with which TDP will deliver cloud solutions services, as listed in the cloud solutions service catalogue in Annex 1 hereto ( Services ), to the Customer and the Customer will receive the Services.

2.23)  TDP will provide the Services pursuant to an online order, including any specifications thereto ( Order ), submitted by the Customer at the online portal at ( and accepted online by TDP, which shall be deemed to have been executed by the Parties.

2.24)  In the event any terms set forth herein apply specifically to a Service not requested by the Customer, such terms(s) shall not apply to the Customer.

2.25)  In addition to the terms set out in this Agreement, the provision of each Service shall be subject to the additional terms set out in the relevant Schedule relating to a particular service as indicated in the service catalogue in Annex 1. The Schedules shall form an integral part of this Agreement.

2.26)  Subject to the Customer paying the fees and charges for the Services, TDP shall grant a non-exclusive, non-transferrable sub-license to the Customer to allow it and the Users to use the Software for the duration of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Customer shall, at its sole expense, provide Users with client workstations and make the Software available for use by the Users.

3.27)  Customers Undertakings:

The Customer represents warrants and agrees that it will not use, nor authorize, assist or permit any User or third party to use, the Service:

in violation of any applicable laws or any policies and instructions communicated by TDP to the Customer;

for any unlawful, fraudulent or immoral purpose, including, without limitation, the transmission of any Content in violation of applicable laws; or

to tamper with, alter or change the Services or TDP  ™s facilities, or otherwise abuse the Service in any manner that interferes with TDP  ™s facilities or the use of Services by any other person.

3.28)  Rights to Suspend:

If TDP reasonably believes that there is, or is likely to be, a breach of any of the Customers obligations hereunder, TDP may, in its sole discretion, immediately restrict or suspend all or a portion of the Services or prevent the display or transmission of the Content, without any liability to TDP, and then notify the Customer of such action and the reason for it. TDP will attempt to provide such notification to the Customer prior to taking such action if, in TDP  ™s judgment, it can do so without interfering with its ability to prevent the breach from occurring or continuing.

4.29)  The Customer shall pay the service charges and fees as per the terms and prices displayed in the Order and confirmed through TDP  ™s emailed invoice to the Customer ( Services Charges ). Billing for the Services shall commence from the date of notice of service commencement.

4.30)  The Customer shall pay the one-time charges (wherever applicable) and recurring charges as set out in the portal in advance through online payment. TDP shall bill the Customer monthly in advance for monthly recurring charges ( MRC ).

4.31)  The Customer shall ensure that the account provided by the Customer for payment has sufficient credit so as to cover any variable charges in an elastic plan. Customer might need to pay additional charges based on the consumption (bandwidths or any other additional resource consumption)

4.32)  Any additional usage by the Customer shall be billed immediately or monthly in arrears on the basis of the Customers subscription plan.

4.33)  Payment for invoices shall be due from the date of receipt of online invoice by the Customer. Hence, the Customer shall make payment against the invoices immediately from the date of receipt of the emailed invoice, failing which, shall result in insufficient funds at the month beginning leading to cancellation of the Services by TDP.

4.34)  All amounts payable by the Customer in terms hereof shall be made without any deduction, set-off or counter claim and free and clear of any deduction or other charges of whatever nature imposed by any taxing or government authority.

4.35)  The Services Charges shall be exclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, imposts, fees or other charges whatsoever, all of which shall be paid by the Customer.

4.36)  In the event that the Services Charges remains unpaid 30 days after becoming due, TDP will issue a 10 days’ notice and the payments due shall be payable with 12% interest per annum, for any delay beyond the due date for payments. In case the payment and the interest due is unpaid before the expiry of the period of notice, TDP shall either have the right to suspend or discontinue the Services as stated hereinabove.

4.37)  Complete and full ownership responsibility of the client including but not limited to the following

Business applications, systems, development API’s, SDKs and UAT Setup.

All backup systems, tape backup, restoration, safety from fire and theft loss.

Data security and confidentiality

Security patching of the servers & applications

Application level security

4.38)  Except with respect to issues concerning the physical security of TDPs data center facilities, Customer agrees that the security of the Server and all Services is solely Customer’s responsibility. It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to maintain and update security software on the Server. Under no circumstance will TDP be held liable for security or data breaches and damage caused by the Customer’s failure to maintain or update the security software or to maintain adequate security protocols in the administration of the Server.

4.39)  Customer agrees that if the security of Customer’s Server has been compromised in any way, Customer will notify TDP immediately in writing. Customer shall be held fully responsible for any misuse or compromise of Customer’s Server. Customer agrees that if any security violations are believed to have occurred in association with Customer’s Server, TDP has the right to suspend access to the Server pending an investigation and resolution. Customer also agrees that TDP has the right to cooperate in any government or legal investigation regarding any aspect of its services, including any servers or services used by Customer. Any use of TDP’s system to engage in software piracy or other violations of law will result in service suspension and be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.

4.40)  Access to the Server and services is limited to the client and his authorized agents. TDP has limited access to the contents of your services. TDP reserves the right to require, at its discretion, software upgrades for the purposes of maintaining the overall security and stability of the environment

5.41)  The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall renew automatically for successive periods unless:

Either party terminates immediately, in the case where the Customer subscribes to the Services for a period of one month or less; or

either party gives the other written notice of intent to terminate and not to renew the Agreement at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal term, in the case where the Customer subscribe to the services for a period of more than one month.

Terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

5.42)  TDP may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if the Customer is in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement.

5.43)  Upon termination of this Agreement, the Customer shall relinquish use of the Internet protocol addresses or address blocks and other data/information/material assigned to it by TDP in connection with the Services.

5.44 )  Termination Transition Assistance: Upon any notice of termination of this Agreement, to the extent technically feasible, TDP shall assist the Customer in the migration of the data of Customers that are located on TDP  ™s servers/storage, in a comma separated values file or other format reasonably requested by Customer. If termination of this Agreement is due to TDP  ™s breach, TDP shall migrate the Customer  ™s data to a setup as reasonably requested by Customer, at no cost to Customer. However, TDP shall be under no obligation to provide any transition assistance to the Customer where this agreement is terminated on account of a breach or violation of this Agreement by the Customer.

6.45)  Confidentiality:

“Confidential Information” shall mean and encompass information, know-how and data, of a technical, commercial, financial or any other nature, disclosed to either Party by or on behalf of the other Party prior to or during the term of this Agreement.

It shall cover all messages, documents and files or other communication in writing and marked “confidential” by the disclosing Party; (or)

Drawings, models, prototypes, photographs, software programs or in any machine readable form, which information is stated by the disclosing Party to be confidential; (or)

orally, and identified in writing as confidential to the disclosing Party within 15 (fifteen) days from disclosure;

6.46)  Each Party agrees to:

preserve and protect the confidentiality of the other Partys Confidential Information; and

refrain from using the other party  ™s Confidential Information except as contemplated herein.

6.47)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may disclose Confidential Information which is:

already publicly known;

independently developed by the receiving party without reference to the Confidential Information of the disclosing party;

otherwise known to the receiving party through no wrongful conduct of the receiving party, or required to be disclosed by law or court order; or

in connection with use of any logos for marketing purposes and business representation by either party.

6.48)  Neither Party shall disclose any of the terms of this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party; provided, however, that either Party may disclose the existence of this Agreement to any third party and either Party may disclose the terms of this Agreement:

to legal counsel of the Parties;

in confidence, to accountants, banks, and financing sources and their advisors solely for the purposes of a party  ™s securing financing;

in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement or rights under this Agreement; or

in confidence, in connection with an actual or proposed merger, acquisition, or similar transaction solely for use in the due diligence investigation in connection with such transaction.

6.49)  In the event that one of the Parties, or anyone to whom Confidential Information is disclosed pursuant to this agreement becomes legally compelled to disclose any of the confidential Information, such party (the “Compelled Party”) shall provide the other Party with prompt notice so that such other Party may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the provisions of this Clause. In the event that such protective order or other remedy is not obtained or in the event that the other Party waives compliance with the provisions of this Clause, the compelled Party will furnish only that portion of the Confidential Information which the Compelled Party is legally required to disclose and will seek to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded to the Confidential Information.

7.50)  Disclaimer of Actions Caused by and/or Under the Control of Third Parties: Except for warranties and representations made herein, TDP makes no representations and disclaims all warranties and liability regarding the data, products, or services of any third party, including the providers of electrical or telecommunications products or services. The Customer acknowledges that an interruption in the Services due to circumstances beyond the control of TDP, such as a failure of telecommunications systems, shall not be considered a Service Outage for purposes of any warranty provided in this Agreement.

7.51)  Sole Remedies to Service Outage: The sole remedy in the event of interruption of Services due to outages, or other breach of warranty shall be the outage credit provided in this Agreement. TDP disclaims any and all other liabilities or remedies for such outages, interruptions, or breach of warranty. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the liability of TDP arising from any such outage, interruption, or breach of warranty shall be expressly limited as set forth in this Agreement.

8.52)  For the purpose of uniformity, the Service availability for each Service will be calculated in accordance with the agreed Service levels set out in Annex 2 of this Agreement.

9.53)  NOTICES

Any notice or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be sufficiently given if manually delivered or sent by registered or certified airmail or fax or E-mail, and, in the case of airmail, prepaid and directed to the other party at its mailing address first set forth above. Either Party may, by giving notice as provided sent by registered or certified airmail shall be deemed to have been given ten (10) days after the date on which it is proved to have been so mailed. Any such notice or communication sent by fax or e-mail shall be deemed to have been given one (1) day after the date on which it is sent and receipt has been confirmed.


This Agreement and the obligations of the Parties shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Oman.

9.55)  WAIVER

No express or implied consent to or waiver of any breach or default by either Party hereto in the performance by the other Party of its obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to be a consent to or waiver of any other breach or default in the performance by such Party of the same or any other obligations of such Party under this Agreement. Failure on the part of either Party to complain of any act or failure to act or to declare the other Party as defaulting, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver against such failing Party of the rights of the other party under this Agreement.


If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provisions to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law.


This Agreement (together with its annexes, schedules and attachments) constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Except as specifically provided herein, neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally and any such amendment shall be by way of an instrument in writing signed by the by the authorised representative of the Parties.


All personal pronouns used in this Agreement, whether used in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender, shall include all other genders; the singular shall include the plural; and the plural shall include the singular. Titles of articles, sections, clauses and paragraphs in this Agreement are for convenience only, and neither limit nor amplify the provisions of this Agreement.


This Agreement can be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall comprise but a single instrument.


This Agreement cannot be assigned by either Party hereto without the express written consent of the other Party.


In any legal action brought in connection with this Agreement for the operations of the Customer, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its legal fees from the non-prevailing parties.


If the performance of any obligation of either Party (except for the payment obligations of the Customer under this Agreement) is prevented or restricted or interfered with by reason of fire, explosion, strike, labor dispute, casualty, riots, sabotage, accident, lack or failure of transportation facilities, flood, war, civil commotion, terror attack, lightning, acts of God, or any other cause similar to those above enumerated, beyond the reasonable control of the Party, the Party so affected shall, upon the giving of prompt notice to the other Parties, be excused from performance hereunder to the extent and for the duration of such prevention, restriction or interference.


No provision of this Agreement shall be construed against or interpreted to the disadvantage of any party by any court or other governmental or judicial authority by reason of such party having or being deemed to have structured or drafted such provision.


Any dispute and/or difference that may arise between the Parties hereto in regard to this Agreement and/or the arrangement there under, the carrying out of its terms and conditions and/or the interpretation thereof in any way whatsoever shall be referred to the conciliation of any authorized representative of the Parties and a solution shall be sought within 15 days of such referral. In the event of any resolution not being found despite conciliatory efforts, the dispute and/or difference shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator to be mutually appointed by the Parties. In the event of differences on appointment of a sole arbitrator, the Parties agree to appoint three arbitrators, one to be appointed by Customer and another to be appointed by TDP. The two arbitrators shall appoint the third arbitrator who shall act as the governing arbitrator. The Arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of the Oman Arbitration Law (Royal Decree No. 47/07, as amended). The language of arbitration shall be English and the place of arbitration shall be Muscat.


Agreed Service Levels

1 This Service Level Agreement (SLA) applies to you (“customer”) if you have ordered cloud services from TDP and your account is active with The Data Park As used herein.

The Service availability for each Service will be calculated as under. The availability assurance for each component is covered in respective Schedule(s).

Service will be considered unavailable if the Fault reported to the TDP  ™s support center by the Customer or identified by TDP itself is of Severity Level 1. TDP will calculate, on a monthly basis, the time of Service Outage experienced by each Service component. A month shall be deemed to begin at 12:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on the first day of a calendar month and end 12:00 GMT on the first day of the next calendar month ( Month ). At the end of a month, TDP shall calculate the total amount of time the Service was unavailable. The availability of each service, over the period of a calendar month is calculated as follows: Availability = (T-D) / T * 100 [%] T in minutes Total number of minutes for a specific period of time within service  ™s operating hours D in minutes Number of minutes that a system and application outage occurs and that impacts the SLA Targets

Service Availability:
TDP Cloud Platform: 99.9%

Acknowledgment and Response Time:
Fault Notification Window: 24 Hours a day, 7 days per week
Response time window: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Muscat local time
Technical Response target: 6 Business hours

Maintenance Notification:
Planned Maintenance Target Notification: 2 Business Days
Emergency Maintenance Target Notification:  1 Business Day
Unplanned Fault Notification: 2 hours

TDP Support Contact Information
24×7 Support Line Toll free: 800 77767 or +968 24171111


Customer will not be entitled to receive any credits pursuant to the Delivery Guarantee or Service availability assurance, for administrative setup delays or Service Outage experienced, which are associated with (in whole or in part):

  • Interruption due to Emergency Maintenance and Scheduled Maintenance, alteration, or implementation;
  • Negligence or other conduct of Customer or its agent/client including a failure or malfunction resulting from applications;
  • A shut down due to circumstances reasonably believed by TDP to be a significant threat to the normal operation of the Services, the TDP facility, or access to or integrity of Customer IT infrastructure or its data (e.g., hacker or virus attack);
  • Failure or malfunction of any equipment or services not provided by TDP;
  • Failure of Customer to purchase minimum redundant systems necessary to support this warranty;
  • Failure of access to Customer ™s network and the Internet, unless such failure is caused solely by TDP1;
  • Any act or omission of Customer or any of its agents, contractors or vendors, including without limitation, custom scripting or coding (for example, CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP) or Customer’s failure to follow agreed-upon procedures or to provide the requisite hardware or software in respect of the Services;
  • Force Majeure Events including without limitation, outages on the Internet;
  • DNS issues beyond the reasonable direct control of TDP; or
  • The agreed Service levels do not apply in the event of disconnection and subsequent reconnection of the services due to non-payment of any charges payable to TDP;
  • Any unavailability or other degradation of the Service which is associated with or caused by Scheduled Maintenance events on the TDP facilities (which are not otherwise due to the fault or negligence of TDP);
  • Circumstances beyond The Data Park ™s reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, armed conflict, embargo, fire, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, unavailability of or interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services, virus attacks or hackers, failure of third party software or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or power used in or equipment needed for provision of this SLA;
  • Failure of access circuits to the The Data Park Network, unless such failure is caused solely by The Data Park;
  • Scheduled maintenance and emergency maintenance and upgrades;
  • DNS issues outside the direct control of The Data Park;
  • Issues with FTP, POP, IMAP, or SMTP customer access;
  • False SLA breaches reported as a result of outages or errors of any The Data Park measurement system; customers acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, Ruby, PHP, Python etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the Services in breach of The Data Park Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy;
  • E-mail or webmail delivery and transmission;
  • DNS (Domain Name Server) Propagation;

Outages elsewhere on the Internet that hinder access to your account

Souqmazoon is a specialised e-marketplace designed to support primarily SMEs and Omani businesses. It endeavors to provide a variety of products across multiple categories.

With a diverse selection of ‘Made in Oman’ products and others, the portal is devised to cater to the discerning taste of the evolving online shoppers.


The Ijtimaati application is a smart system that converts and documents the reports that are discussed in the meetings from the traditional way to an innovative one, which allows the user to access all the documents and decisions made during the meetings easily.

The users are able to send an invitation to the meeting participant, record the attendance as well as the minutes of the meeting, and the decisions made.

Bima Insurance

Bima® (trademark of Insurance House L.L.C.), is Oman’s first online insurance portal. Licensed to operate by the Capital Market Authority in Oman.

Bima offers Vehicle, Travel, and Domestic (Housemaid,  Driver & Gardner) insurance services.


Thawani was established in early 2016 as an innovative startup allowing cashless mobile payment solutions to merchants and individual shoppers and buyers alike.

Thawani is the first digital platform in Oman, custom-built according to international banking and safety standards to allow all our users easy and secure transactions. Simply scan merchant QR code and use your finger print or MPIN


BEHAR is an electronic platform for purchasing fish remotely.  It facilitates the wholesale purchase of fish products to fish merchants and marketers, companies, and institutions operating in the sector from the various governorates of the Sultanate by offering auctions on the platform. This saves effort, time, and the inconvenience of reaching the market both locally and internationally. This service is considered unique in terms of developing the marketing and trading of fish in Oman via the internet in a modern way.

Olive e-Solutions

Olive e-Solutions is a leading enterprise & digital solutions company with business operations in Oman, UAE, and a state-of-art offshore development center in India.  OLIVE is an open eco-system partner of SAP, offering multiple SAP services including SAP Project Management, SAP Implementation, SAP Training and Quality Assurance services targeting Small and Medium Enterprises in high growth areas.  Also, Olive provides web design and applications development services with clientele service clients from government, corporates, financial institutions, regional and international brands, and small to midsize organizations.

Mustafa Sultan

Committed to its vision since its inception in 1972, Mustafa Sultan Enterprises has emerged as a premier group in the Sultanate of Oman

It has a glorious entrepreneurial history spurred by the dreams and ambitions of Mustafa A. Sultan. Mustafa Sultan Enterprises today has diversified interests and is organized into various subsidiaries, each an achiever, each an example of commitment to the highest ethical and professional standards.

Mustafa Sultan office technology(MSOT) is the market leader in IT products & services portfolio & driving business in the field of office automation,digitization & cloud technology adoption in Oman. The company provides total solutions to modern offices & industries that enhance efficiency and productivity includes HCI, hybrid cloud & security solutions including SaaS/PaaS/IaaS/DRaaS, server, storage, backup, security & DR solutions.

MSOT also offers products such as digital copiers, printers, faxes, a complete range of IT hardware including servers, desktops, peripherals and accessories, Solutions Integration, Enterprise & Desktop Security products.


Exceed was established in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in 2001. What started out as five talented technical experts who wanted to sell training, has grown into a regional IT force.

In our 20 years, we have had the privilege of working with over 900 customers in the region, spanning all sectors – from large government organizations to private companies and groups.

Today Exceed is a member of Exceeders, a global platform connecting some of the best service providers and partners from around the world with customers across the Middle East

Exceeders is an IT community that gathers the most innovative IT providers across the globe to provide customers with the latest innovations.

At Exceeders, the power comes from the aggregation of each individual partner. With leveraged assets, we can achieve better results with fewer resources.

At Exceeders, we work like Airbnb. That’s what makes us different from your transitional software vendor

Azure Functions

Development with serverless compute

Develop more efficiently with Functions, an event-driven serverless compute platform that can also solve complex orchestration problems. Build and debug locally without additional setup, deploy and operate at scale in the cloud, and integrate services using triggers and bindings.

Automated and flexible scaling based on your workload volume, keeping the focus on adding value instead of managing infrastructure

Integrated programming model based on triggers and bindings that help you respond to events and seamlessly connect to other services.

End-to-end development experience, from building and debugging to deploying and monitoring with integrated tools and built-in DevOps capabilities

Variety of programming languages and hosting options—always pick the best one for each scenario and quickly adjust to meet business needs

Azure App Services

Build, deploy, and scale web apps on a fully managed platform. Quickly build, deploy, and scale web apps created with popular frameworks .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, Java, PHP, Ruby, or Python, in containers or running on any operating system. Meet rigorous, enterprise-grade performance, security, and compliance requirements by using the fully managed platform for your operational and monitoring tasks.

Easily build powerful web apps and APIs Use popular frameworks including .NET, .NET Core, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, and Ruby. Deploy them in containers or as code, running on Linux or Windows. Use a fully managed platform that provides management, monitoring, and operational insights to meet rigorous, enterprise-grade performance, security, and compliance requirements. Get unparalleled developer productivity with advanced capabilities such as continuous integration, live-site debugging, and Microsoft Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code IDEs. Tap into prebuilt apps from the Azure Marketplace.

Take control with a fully managed platform Run and scale your web apps on Windows or Linux using a fully managed platform to perform infrastructure maintenance, load balancing, and more—all with zero-downtime deployments. Connect your apps to SQL or NoSQL databases, in Azure or in your own datacenter. Easily add custom domains, SSL certificates, single sign-on (SSO), and identity-service integration to your apps. Get detailed performance and application health insights for accelerated troubleshooting.

Host your apps with confidenceApp Service offers an enterprise-grade global datacenter network. Connect your web or mobile apps to enterprise systems or SaaS in minutes. Secure them with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration, and deploy them in the environment of your choice—public cloud, private cloud, virtual network, or on-premises. Easily set up and run apps at scale in the isolated, compliant, and dedicated Azure App Service Environment. Get more secure, high-speed connections to on-premises corporate resources and other Azure resources, and maintain fine-grained control over network traffic.

MySQL on AzureStack

Azure Database for MySQL provides a fully managed, enterprise-ready community MySQL database as a service. The MySQL Community edition helps you easily lift and shift to the cloud, using languages and frameworks of your choice. On top of that, you get built-in high availability and dynamic scaling, helping you easily adjust to changes in customer demands.

Community MySQL that’s fully managed

Combine MySQL Community edition with the benefits of a fully managed service provider, and free developers from the complexity of infrastructure and database management so they can focus on building exceptional apps.

Languages and frameworks of your choice

Azure Database for MySQL enables popular open source frameworks and languages, and it features tight integration with Azure Web Apps. Popular content management apps, such as WordPress and Drupal, deliver a fully integrated experience supporting your application development needs.

Scale in seconds with built-in high availability

Provision in minutes, and flexibly scale compute or storage independently within seconds. Built to deliver high availability with an SLA of 99.99 percent, Azure Database for MySQL requires no extra configuration, replicatio¬n, or cost to ensure that your apps run when you need them to.

Protect your database with built-in intelligence

Azure Database for MySQL offers Advanced Threat Protection, which monitors your database around the clock and detects potential malicious activities, alerting you upon detection so you can intervene right away.

Azure Fabric

Build and operate always-on, scalable, distributed apps

  • Simplify microservices development and application lifecycle management
  • Reliably scale and orchestrate containers and microservices
  • Data-aware platform for low-latency, high-throughput workloads with stateful containers or microservices
  • Run anything – your choice of languages and programming models
  • Run anywhere – supports Windows/Linux in Azure, on-premises, or other clouds
  • Scales up to thousands of machines

Deliver low latency and improved efficiency at massive scale

Deliver fast yet safe upgrades with zero downtime, automate scale operations, integrate health monitoring, and provide automatic recovery from failures. Orchestrate microservices and container-based apps, gain insight into application health and performance, and enable development of low-latency, resilient services that scale.

Solve difficult distributed systems problems such as reliable failure detection and failover, leader election, state management, service discovery, rolling upgrades, application portability, environment abstraction, resource management and governance, and configuration management, and provide application lifecycle management capabilities so developers don’t have to re-architect applications as usage grows. Develop and deliver many kinds of applications and workloads, including multi-tenant SaaS applications, mission-critical line-of-business applications, IoT data gathering and processing workloads, and gaming.

Azure Key Vault

Cost Effective Safeguard cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.

  • Increase security and control over keys and passwords
  • Create and import encryption keys in minutes
  • Applications have no direct access to keys
  • Use FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated HSMs
  • Reduce latency with cloud scale and global redundancy
  • Simplify and automate tasks for SSL/TLS certificates

Azure Storage

Blob Storage
Massively scalable object storage for unstructured data, Scale up or down using Hot, Cool, Archive, or Premium storage Get scalable, cost-effective cloud storage for all your unstructured data. Pay only for what you use, and save money compared with on-premises storage options. Choose from among four storage tiers, depending on how often you’ll access the data. Store performance-sensitive data in Premium, frequently accessed data in Hot, infrequently accessed data in Cool, and rarely accessed data in Archive.

Strong consistency
Get the flexibility to perform edits in place, which can improve your application performance and reduce bandwidth consumption.

Multiple blob types
Block, page, and append blobs give you maximum flexibility to optimize your storage to your nee.

 Queue Storage
Durable queues for large-volume cloud services

  • Simple, cost-effective, durable message queueing for large workloads
  • Rich client libraries for .NET, Java, Android, C++, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and Python
  • Data accessible via the REST API

Decouple components
Use Azure Queue Storage to build flexible applications and separate functions for better durability across large workloads. When you design applications for scale, application components can be decoupled, so that they can scale independently. Queue storage gives you asynchronous message queueing for communication between application components, whether they are running in the cloud, on the desktop, on-premises, or on mobile devices.

Build more flexible applications
Queue Storage helps to make your application scalable and less sensitive to individual component failure. If part of your architecture goes down, messages are buffered, and then naturally picked up by other message processing nodes, which maintains the integrity of your workload.

Handle traffic bursts – Scale for bursts
Use Queue Storage to rightsize your service deployment. Applications absorb unexpected traffic bursts, which prevents servers from being overwhelmed by a sudden flood of requests. Monitor queue length to add elasticity to your application, and deploy or hibernate additional worker nodes based on customer demand.

Table Storage
A NoSQL key-value store for rapid development using massive semi-structured datasets

  • Store semi-structured data that’s highly available
  • Create massively-scalable apps
  • Create apps that require a flexible data schema
  • Use JSON to serialize data
  • Perform OData-based queries

Store petabytes of structured data
Use Azure Table storage to store petabytes of semi-structured data and keep costs down. Unlike many data stores—on-premises or cloud-based—Table storage lets you scale up without having to manually shard your dataset.

Supports flexible data schema
Table storage is excellent for flexible datasets—web app user data, address books, device information, and other metadata—and lets you build cloud applications without locking down the data model to particular schemas. Because different rows in the same table can have a different structure—for example, order information in one row, and customer information in another—you can evolve your application and table schema without taking it offline.

Made for enterprise
Table storage embraces a strong consistency model. When data is inserted or updated in Table storage, all further accesses to that data will see the latest update. This is critical for systems with multiple users who are simultaneously updating data store.

What you’ll love about SQL Server 2019:

SQL Server 2019 brings innovative security and compliance features, industry-leading performance, mission-critical availability, and advanced analytics to all your data workloads, now with support for big data built-in.

Intelligence over any data

SQL Server is a hub for data integration. Deliver transformational insights over structured and unstructured data with the power of SQL Server and Spark.

Choice of language and platform
Build modern applications with innovative features using your choice of language and platform. Now on Windows, Linux, and containers.

Industry-leading performance
Take advantage of breakthrough scalability, performance, and availability for mission-critical, intelligent applications, data warehouses, and data lakes.

Advanced security features
Protect data at rest and in use. SQL Server has been the least vulnerable database over the last 8 years in the NIST vulnerabilities database.

Make faster, better decisions
Power BI Report Server gives your users access to rich, interactive Power BI reports, and the enterprise reporting capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Services.

Container Instances

Run containers without managing servers
By running your workloads in Azure Container Instances (ACI), you can focus on designing and building your applications instead of managing the infrastructure that runs them.

  • Easily deploy and run containerized applications that scale with your business
  • Use a fully-managed platform to perform infrastructure maintenance
  • Take advantage of built-in auto scaling and load balancing
  • Streamline CI/CD with Docker Hub, Azure Container Registry, and GitHub
  • App Service

Build, deploy, and scale web apps on a fully managed platform. Quickly build, deploy, and scale web apps created with popular frameworks .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, Java, PHP, Ruby, or Python, in containers or running on any operating system. Meet rigorous, enterprise-grade performance, security, and compliance requirements by using the fully managed platform for your operational and monitoring tasks.

Easily build powerful web apps and APIs
Use popular frameworks including .NET, .NET Core, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, and Ruby. Deploy them in containers or as code, running on Linux or Windows. Use a fully managed platform that provides management, monitoring, and operational insights to meet rigorous, enterprise-grade performance, security, and compliance requirements. Get unparalleled developer productivity with advanced capabilities such as continuous integration, live-site debugging, and Microsoft Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code IDEs. Tap into prebuilt apps from the Azure Marketplace.

Take control with a fully managed platform
Run and scale your web apps on Windows or Linux using a fully managed platform to perform infrastructure maintenance, load balancing, and more—all with zero-downtime deployments. Connect your apps to SQL or NoSQL databases, in Azure or in your own datacenter. Easily add custom domains, SSL certificates, single sign-on (SSO), and identity-service integration to your apps. Get detailed performance and application health insights for accelerated troubleshooting.

Host your apps with confidence
App Service offers an enterprise-grade global datacenter network. Connect your web or mobile apps to enterprise systems or SaaS in minutes. Secure them with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration, and deploy them in the environment of your choice—public cloud, private cloud, virtual network, or on-premises. Easily set up and run apps at scale in the isolated, compliant, and dedicated Azure App Service Environment. Get more secure, high-speed connections to on-premises corporate resources and other Azure resources, and maintain fine-grained control over network traffic.

Azure Virtual Machienes

Deploy virtual machines featuring up to 128 vCPUs and 2 TB of memory. Get up to 2 million local storage IOPS per VM. Keep using your existing Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and SAP applications, build new ones, or choose from thousands of pre-built applications in the Azure Marketplace.

Keep your budget in check with low-cost, per-second billing. You only pay for the compute time you use

Scale from one to thousands of VM instances in minutes with VM Scale Sets.

Encrypt sensitive data, protect VMs from malicious threats, secure network traffic, and meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

Choose Linux or Windows. Deploy your own VM image or download images from the Azure Marketplace.

Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Apply autoscaling to virtual machines for high availability

  • Create thousands of identical virtual machines in minutes
  • Quickly scale your big compute and big data applications
  • Rely on integrated load balancing and autoscaling
  • Attach additional data disks as per your application requirement
  • Deploy virtual machines and updates at scale
  • Support Linux or Windows images and extensions
  • Run Cassandra, Cloudera, Hadoop, MongoDB, and Mesos
  • Deploy across availability zones to protect against datacenter failures

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)(Odoo)

Odoo ERP solutions has an app for your every Business need.

Grow your business with apps and tools to help you get there.

MS Business Essentials

Work as a team with your office colleagues/employees.

Collaborate in real time with professional email, persistent chat, online storage, and video conferencing tools that are always up-to-date and keeps your data safe.

Office 365 Exchange online

Office 365 Exchange Onlineis a hosted messaging solution that delivers the capabilities of MicrosoftExchange Server as a cloud-based service.

It gives you access to email,calendar, contacts, and tasks from your PC, web and mobile devices.

Web Hosting

Host your website right here in Oman at our TIA 942 Rating 3 certified data centres offering;

  • Reliability and security
  • Choice of Operating Systems: Windows & Linux
  • Readymade Packages with an option to upgrade or downgrade according to your need
  • Local support 24X7

Domain Registration

Your Digital presence all starts with a registered domain name.

Get your Domain you need to start your business or renew an existing Domain or event transfer a domain to yourself.